Macroeconomic forecasts and strategy

Nykredit Research formulates the Group's views on domestic and global macroeconomic trends. Our research covers trends in the Nordic economies and housing markets as well as the global economy and international politics impacting financial markets. If you have any questions or queries, please contact your Nykredit Markets adviser.

Palle Sørensen

Chief Economist: Describes and defines the Danish economy in broad outline. Nykredit's Chief Economist is an active voice in the public debate and provides economic analyses put into perspective of the current political conditions.

Mobile: +45 26 85 41 53


Svend Greniman Andersen

Wealth Expert: Provides insight into personal finance as well as current consumer trends in savings, pension and investment. Helps Danes navigate safely through the landscape of personal finance and optimise their wealth planning to obtain lifetime financial security.

Mobile: +45 40 60 50 33
